Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tip Store Food

The benefits of storing food properly.
1. Save.
By storing food properly, food that we buy will be longer age. Humidity, sunlight, and contamination of other ingredients to make food ingredients easily damaged, the material faster than the expiry date written on the packaging. Vegetables, fruit, and meat, can we enjoy the freshness longer. That way, we will not throw food in vain because it was not worth eating.
2. Ease.
When cooking, of course we want to easily reach whatever we need, ranging from cookware to spices. With a neat storage, we do not have dug into the deepest parts of the closet to find a spice. Kitchen spices will not be confused. A neat storage system also allows us to know where the food ingredients that have been running out of expired, or food supply will be exhausted. Tips when expired, always putting the newest of food in the back.
3. Securing.
Most importantly, good storage will keep us from the risk of food poisoning. The kitchen is often a place of storage of various goods, ranging from food, soap, shampoo, detergents, and insecticides. This storage method is very risky, because the chemicals that can contaminate food.
And also diseases caused by animals are not invited residents kitchen, such as rats, cockroaches, ants and flies.

3 things that must be considered in food storage.
1. Temperature.
Each of these types of foods have different storage temperature requirements vary. Milk should be stored in refrigerator-temperature 1-3 degrees Celsius. Eggs at a temperature of 0.5 - 2 degrees centigrade. Vegetables and fresh fruit at a temperature of 0.5 - 2.5 degrees Celsius. Dry food ingredients, such as rice and flour would be optimal at temperatures 10-22 degrees Celsius. And frozen foods should always be at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius.
The temperature of the sodium absorption ratio may cause changes in color, shape, taste, smell, and nutrients in food. Microorganisms contained in foodstuffs growth inhibited by cold temperatures. Once in the room temperature, microorganisms will grow, taking nutrients, and produce acids. That's why foods become damaged and unfit for consumption.
2. Humidity.
Excess water content in air (> 60%) can cause various reactions. Tin packaging can cause rusting and leaking cans and their contents destroyed. In his own food material, moisture causing chemical reactions that change the taste of food. While nature humid conditions, mold will grow. Storage areas have less than 15% humidity with adequate air ventilation.
3. Packaging.
To maintain quality, food should be stored in food-grade containers Uncategorized. That is, packaging sodium absorption ratio secrete substances that affect the food and chemicals harmful to health. Generally, manufacturers of labeling and food-grade or not.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Curtain, prevent glare, guard privacy

In order to maintain the privacy and comfort, sometimes a window needs to be "clothing". This is where the window plays an important role to support all the different activities in the room.
Moreover the model of a modern house which is the current trend, also made large windows form with a minimalist model. The existence of a window becomes very important to prevent glare in the daytime or at night to maintain privacy.

There had always been.
Closing the windows had been known for centuries in various human civilizations. Wanderer in the desert for example, using a damp cloth to protect the window in which they shelter. This fabric also serves to lower the room temperature as a function of the modern air conditioner.
Different again with the ancient Egyptians, they have a concept of their own-made window coverings. They make organized grass-stranded so that no one could peek into the house through their window.
On the other hand, the ancient Chinese used bamboo for the same function. Until now, bamboo is still used as window coverings, especially in Asian countries.

Venetian blinds.
Along with the times, modern window coverings which began to appear, one of the most popular are the venetian blinds, which are found in Persia. The merchants carry this type of window coverings to Venice and Paris. Venetian blinds become very well known and used in all types of buildings, to be a lot of background on the many historic paintings.
Until now, venetian blinds are also called horizontal blinds, still widely used and have various technological developments that will be explained further. In Indonesia, we call this the window coverings with curtains or draperies term.
Technological development has not stopped and the shutters are still widespread and more varied, so that we too were served with a variety of options that will beautify the room in the house. The material is also very diverse, ranging from fabric, wood, plastic, until the aluminum.
So many variants of the curtain on the market makes you have a lot of options that best suits the needs at home. Starting from a simple form: long cloth that hung to the upper walls, which conventional fabrics such as curtains, to blinds with a variety of species, namely: horizontal blinds, roller blinds, roman blinds, and vertical blinds.

Venetian blinds are also known as horizontal blinds.